Legal Notice And Disclaimer

1. Escorts

All our Escorts are not employed by Annies Angels Escort. They act as independently contractors and have chosen our agency to act as their agent.  Escort services is a contract between you and the escort. Any and all illegal activity is strictly forbidden and not at the knowledge of Annies Angels Escorts.

2. Photos

Annies Angels uses real and accurate photos of the models, escorts, adult entertainers,
erotic service providers and exotic massage models. Some of the models will have their face  blocked or blurred and identifying marks altered. This is to ensure their privacy as most models have  other careers, employment as well as lives outside of this business that they choose not to expose.

3. Discretion

Annies Angels Escorts is not associated with any law enforcement, security, investment or media agencies. Annies Angels Escort service will not utilize any information or data gained to secure meetings,  payment, or background checks except for the sole purpose of handling transactions with  Annies Angels Escorts.

4. Disclaimer

Money exchanged in legal adult personal services for modeling is simply for time and companionship. Anything else that may or may not happen is a matter of personal choice and personal preference between two or more consenting adults of a legal age, and is not contracted for, nor is requested to be contacted for, or compensated for in any manner. This is not an offer of prostitution!

Annies Angels Escorts reserves the right to decline appointments if deemed necessary. Additionally, all contact will be terminated and you will be permanently banned from contacting us,  if your behavior or dialogue is deemed unprofessional, rude or obnoxious.

Incoming search terms for the article:

Money exchanged in legal adult personal services for modeling, escorts & companions is simply for time and companionship. Anything else that may or may not happen is a matter of personal choice and personal preference
between two or more consenting adults of a legal age,and is not contracted for, nor is requested to be contacted for, or compensated for in any manner. Annies Angels Escorts reserves the right to decline appointments if deemed necessary.

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